Monday, 11 March 2019


Marginalization due to political injustice has been one of the major challenges of the Igbos which have led to the clamour of Biafra Republic. In-fact information has it base on history that the Igbos were encouraged to embraced commerce which today had made them the most industrious fellows in Nigeria, the Yorubas were encourage to embraced education while the Hausas  were indued to venture into power such as the Military and other power holding affairs which you can say politics if you like. Systematically, this pragmatism has a divert role in our country which today had led to our various ways of living as a people. Education they say is to proffer solutions at when needed"according to Francis Beacon, education is power", which I believe has gone along way to empowering the Yorubas in our today politics and other areas of life while the Igbos felt marginalized in terms of politics despite their level of education today"WHY?". Many at time it beat my imagination on how the Igbos clamour fort disintegration despite their present level of exposure and academics standard"IPOB(Indigenous People of Biafra)" per se, in a country not as large as the United State of America which of till now the Americans can govern themselves in one accord without breaking away. Nigeria has such capacity as well to be among the leading country in the world in terms of human capacity, resources, intellectual capacity and geographical capacity to lead in peace and as well be among the world power if we judiciously make use of what we have. Therefore, why don't we look into the area of political reforms, environmental reforms, human reforms and as well as make all judicious use of every area of our resources cause every area has something good to offer instead of breaking away we need intellectual resolve. Now let me note that the IGBOS have a chance to rule with proper dialogue with a resound political reform by taking advantage of what God has give them as a close range(The Niger Delta), now these are people with oil resources being marginalized as well in terms of politics because of their sized, they most times clamour in violence to gain Federal concerns which is truly not the way forward. The Igbos and the Niger Deltans can form a formidable political reform by which the Nigeria government had no choice but to look into since majority form the political power of country in terms of election. "HOW?" Politics they say is a game of majority which in referendum has nade the Northern Nigera more powerful in terms of politics and rulers hip while logically the Yorubas were able to make their way through the level of education and understanding without violence to be among the leading or ruling ethic group in the country political and otherwise. Now logically lets put it this way since majority lead in terms of election and appointing who govern the country. The Niger Delta(South South) and the South East(Igbos) have a reliable chance to lead without violence but unity and understanding since the Nortern Nigriea has 19states which made them the lead in the federal system, the Western region(Yorubas) has 6states in terms of zoning which made them among the leading politically because they always work for one common goal, the South East has 5states which made them minority while the South South has 6states which made them equal with the west(Yorubas) but not as organized politically as the Western Nigeria therefore they and the South East lack politically power or importance in the Federal cycle which has led to differ agitation and clamour violently.What the Igbos and the South South need is not Biafra or violent agitation but to come together in achieving a common goal politically since both suffer marginalization in terms of politics in the country. The Biafrans do not need map for they republic but political reform with the Niger Deltans to form a forces in terms of majority."HOW". The South East should merge with the South South politically with dialogue and resounding abiding agreement to produce a candidate in presidential post or the Vice president by joining force of their 5states to 6states and have 11states politically which is far more than the West 6states and negotiate with the North.

OkorPeter. Akpos

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